In vitro investigation of the photo-induced activity of positively charged phthalocyanines

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The photo-induced antitumor activity of water-soluble derivatives of metal-free phthalocyanine and its metallic complexes (Zn, Al), which contained positively charged ionogenic groups as substituents, was investigated. Cationic photosensitizers were shown to rapidly penetrate into tumor cells and to effectively accumulate in them; their phototoxicity depended on the structure of side substituents, the nature of the central atom, the incubation time of photosensitizers to radiation, and the type of tumor cells. The highest activity was found in the choline derivative of zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPcCho18): the 50 inhibitory concentration was 0.30±0.08 μM for HEp2 cell cultures, 0.48±0.09 μM for A549, 1.07±0.12 μM, for T24, and 2±0.13 μM for HT29.


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