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The purpose of research is a comparative characterization of inhalation and inhalation-epidural anesthesia influence on the state of the cellular mechanisms of antitumor immunity in patients with malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. The study included 181 patients with gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, who received radical surgery aged 40-70 years. Indices of immune system cellular component in relation to anesthesia - inhalation anesthetic sevoflurane or a combination of inhalation and epidural anesthesia - at 3 and 7 days after surgery were evaluated. The study revealed the Reduction of negative effects of surgery and anesthesia on cell component of the immune system during the application of the combined method of inhalation anesthesia.

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Сравнительная иммунологическая характеристика ингаляционного и комбинированного наркоза у онкологических больных

About the authors

S. Z Tanatarov

State Medical University Semey

071400, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan

M. I Neimark

The Altay state of medical university

656038, Barnaul, Russian Federation

E. V Cherepkova

Physiology research institute; Siberian Independent Institute

630117, Novosibirsk; Russian Federatio

A. E Gorbatenko

State Medical University Semey

071400, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan


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